Wednesday 11 November 2015

The Flash "Enter Zoom" Review

Have you ever had an episode of a television show that was so jarring in its execution? In this episode Barry reveals his secret identity to Linda and convinces her to go along with a plan of theirs to lure out Zoom, to make it look like Dr Light has killed The Flash so they can capture and/or kill him. The plan doesn't work but Zoom shows up later on and challenges Flash to a fight in which Flash gets the ever loving shit beaten out of him.

You know for the majority of this episode i wasn't really feeling it, i thought there was too much focus on the awkward comedy which was never that funny and was mostly awkward, i thought Barry revealing himself to Linda was forced and i'm sorry, i demand answers behind Cisco's cardboard cutouts of everyone! If i found out one of my friends was keeping cardboard cutouts of the rest of us, i would demand answers. Even more so the subplot with Patty in this episode is fairly forgettable despite it suppose to be carrying a lot of weight and drama. So overall I wasn't all too impressed by this episode...and then the final 10 minutes happened and suddenly this becomes the most badass and intense thing this show has ever done.

Zoom captures Linda and the second this guy appears on screen he is terrifying. Not only because he towers over her but his animalistic nature and demonic design with the creepiest voice on the planet, combining all of this and he is the most dominating and frighting villain on The Flash. This is why The Flash is such a good show, even though on paper Zoom might seem like a bland villain, in execution the simplicity just makes him even more terrifying, within seconds you feel the power and weight of this character. And again, this is all within a few damn seconds, we have 10 more minutes of this to talk about.

Then there is the actual fight between Flash and Zoom, though it is quick that makes it even more perfect. Not only was the action physics defyingly cool (He caught a frickin' lightning bolt!). But the fact that Zoom beats him so fast and so ferociously, countering every strategy Barry has and turning it into his favour, shows how physically threatening his is. Reverse Flash liked to torture Barry, manipulate him, fight him psychologically as well as physically, Zoom doesn't give a damn, he just wants to win, he wants Barry dead. Seeing Barry's unconscious and bloody body as Zoom drags him around town, showing off his victory, showing how much more powerful he is than The Flash sent shivers down my spine, speaking of spines...

So Barry is paralysed now...because that's gonna last. C'mon, everyone knows he's gonna get his legs back, we wouldn't have a show without them. i just hope they don't take forever of him learning to walk again and then having to rebuild his speed and taking several episodes to do it. He already got the crap beaten out of him when he was at his best, you don't need to make him weaker to make the story more intense.

Seriously, have you ever seen an episode of a show make such a turn around in the final 10 minutes? I mean yeah the first 30 are kind of a chore to sit through, not the worst but not anything special, but those final 10 minutes are as perfect as they can get. 8/10.


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