Tuesday 24 November 2015

Gravity Falls "Weirdmageddon 2: Escape from Reality" Review

I can't believe we're nearly to the end, only one more episode left, a world without Gravity Falls is not a world I want to be a part of...But oh well, let's appreciate it while we can. Welcome to Mabel-Land: Perfection but better. In this episode Dipper, Wendy & Soos transport themselves into Mabel's prison, which is actually all of her fantasies coming true for a perfect fantasy world, Dipper of course spends the entire episode trying to convince Mabel to come back to reality and help them save it.

So let's talk about Mabel-land...yeah if that ain't the perfect representation of Mabel's brain, we got Sev'ral Timez, Duck-tective, a giant Waddles, 60 Smiles Per Hour, kittens and pugs and stuffed animals and 80's pop music, yeah this is Mabel in a nutshell. These past few episodes just show how creative this animation team is with its visuals, last episode we got some truly horrifying imagery of Bill's Weirdmageddon, this time round we have hilarious imagery of all the things that Mabel would love in her reality, just joke after joke in just the background of the show, i'm pretty sure i'm going to rewatch this episode just to find all the jokes in the environments to make sure i get them all. Contrast this with the awfulness of the real world just makes both worlds more interesting, being in a world that's all cute and innocent makes it so much more impactful when going to a world of death and destruction, also known as reality. Also who else picked up on Aladdin reference?

That seems to be the major theme of this episode (In case you didn't notice) Reality Vs Fantasy. We've all had those cases where reality just weighs down on us too much and we just want some escapism to relieve us of it, whether it be movies, tv, videogames, books, the Internet or our own fantasies. We all do it, why do you think I watch & so much TV? The problem with that is you get those people that forget that escapism should only be enjoyed in short bursts, you get too involved in it and you forget to live your real life, especially with the Internet in our hands. Yes reality can suck sometimes but life needs lows to make you appreciate the highs, and the best way to bounce back from those lows is to have someone by your side, in this case, Dipper needs Mabel and Mabel needs Dipper, they've always been there for each other and always will. Yes those flashbacks were adorable as all hell, but the big emotional breakthrough here is Dipper agreeing to stay with Mabel because again, they need each other. Fantasy is a good thing, but get too involved in it and you can lose yourself and it'll make your eventually forceful return to reality all the worse. Also, Soos' fantasy was depressing as all hell, Wendy wanted to stick a plunger on her Principal's face, okay that's funny, Soos wanted to play catch with his dad...ohhhhhh my god show why are you making my heart swell!?

My only issue is that considering we only have one episode left i wish narrative-wise we got more done. I mean yes the final episode is an hour long and we got some emotional catharsis between Dipper and Mabel but lets be honest their relationship has reached it's peak and looking at this episode as a whole not much was achieved in stopping Weirdmageddon. Also hey, we finally found out what Stan has been up to, because despite being a main character he's had almost nothing to do this finale.

God I don't want this show to end, I am really gonna miss watching it, even if its schedule is incredibly erratic, it's always worth the wait, as always this show has brilliant animation, brilliant character work, brilliant jokes and really knows how to tug at the heartstrings. Again, my only issue is with minimal narrative progression but really everything else was as good as expected. 9/10.


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