Tuesday 3 November 2015

Supergirl "Stronger Together" Review

We're only two episodes in and i'm already struggling to care enough to continue watching this show. I know that's not fair and I need to keep watching and giving it more of a chance, because afterall, it's not like it's doing anything horribly wrong, it's just about a million different little things all building up to me just, well, constantly being urked by this show. This is Stronger Together where Kara is trying her best to be the best Supergirl she can be, that includes getting physical training to, you know, actually know how to fight, but also improve her reputation with the people of National City.

Now this is something I actually really liked about this episode, the focus on Supergirl's reputation. She starts off by saving a plane and suddenly she thinks she can take on the world and of course when she does try and take on the big jobs she ends up screwing up immensely, so having her focus on the smaller problems that National City faces is not only a very Super-person thing to do, but is also a clever way to build up her reputation with the citizens of National City. It also firmly establishes the roles that Jimmy and Winn will play in the series, but i swear if they continue this awkward love triangle and having Jimmy and Winn bickering with each other constantly like they're 13...

So let's get to things that i didn't like about this episode, for one, Alex is still a total bitch. I understand that she's just looking out for her sister and trying to protect her, and yes Kara does still need training before she's ready. Ya see what i just did there? I empathised, i looked at things from the other perspective, maybe Alex should try that every so often! Always putting Kara down for every minor failure she does and giving no encouragement in return, you're a bad sister. And The DEO who are supposed to be so on top of the alien problem that they don't even need Supergirl's help, yet their plan for capturing this alien was to just...shoot at it...with pistols...from about 20ft away...while driving...god they're fucking dumb. Also Hank might be an alien...alright that's actually interesting.

Also we got a more formal introduction to the big villain of the season, Astra, Kara's aunt who is pretty much female General Zod. Her motivations seem weak at best, but it's too soon to judge her actual evil plan, literally all we know is that she's trying to "save" humanity. But my big issue with her is that she tries to do the cliched "join me and together we shall rule the galaxy" with Kara. Here's a hint Astra, when trying to convince someone to join your side, maybe don't open up with a bitch slap that sends them flying across a warehouse! Also they better explain why Superman ain't gonna get involved in this, it is his aunt as well, something tells me he might feel a bit of responsibility towards dealing with that! Speaking of Superman, the chances of him appearing in this show is unlikely, chances of him appearing this season are near impossible, and this show is trying to stand on it's own merits and achievements. So stop mentioning Superman every damn 2.3 seconds!!! How exactly is Supergirl supposed to stand as her own hero when your actively trying to replicate Superman in terms of actions, image and design? This feels more like the writers way of going "Hey audience! Don't leave! We have Superman! You like Superman right!? Here, we'll mention him some more!"

God this episode had so many things that irritated me, nothing insanely bad that made me want to shout at the scream, just a lot of little things that bug me. Also the action still sucks. 5/10.


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