Thursday, 10 September 2015

Talking About Scum.

If you've been on the internet this week then you've seen everyone talking about a person on YouTube who made a video fat shaming. Well actually, she did a video a few weeks ago slut shaming and of course that went big so she decided to run her 15 minutes of fame and decide to insult fat people. She turned off the comments on her video and tries to defend herself by saying it's satire and it's just comedy. Now i'm not going to name this person because i don't want to give her the attention, which is why it took me a while to write about this, if you want to look up more information about her then feel free but i would discourage it as i don't think she deserves it. Now her slut shaming is wrong. Her fat shaming is wrong. People will say that the best way to make this problem go away is to stop talking about it and that is true, but the saddest part is that this woman, despite everyone in the world hating on her right now will never know that she is scum. She's not a comedian, insulting people just for the sake of insulting people doesn't equal comedy, especially not satire. The reason why people make jokes about harsh situations is to make it hurt less, bringing more pain into the world is as far from comedy as you can get. Add this on top of the accusations that she abused her ex-boyfriend, both mentally and physically and what we have here is someone who doesn't deserve to be in the position she's in. What this woman needs is to know that she's not funny, she's not important and she's not good. Within two weeks she'll be forgotten, but if she is remembered then i want her to know she will be remembered for nothing happy, no one will cry for you when you are gone and you're biggest contribution to life is just making it all the more miserable and showing everyone that awful human beings like yourself can become famous just because you are an awful human being. Your life is less than worthless it is honestly making things worse. That is what she needs to hear. Ignoring her doesn't solve the issue, letting her know that she is the vile piece of garbage that doesn't deserve even a percentage of her audience. So congratulations, you left an impact, you made the world a more bitter place because you existed, and i hope you know this, i hope that one day you will grow the brain cells necessary to acknowledge that you are a pathetic immature waste of space who has lead a pointless existence that has brought more misery than it has joy. You. Are. Scum.


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