Sunday 23 August 2015

The Unplanned Hiatus

So's been a while since i've posted anything on here, well, I say a while, it's been just under 2 weeks, but considering this is supposed to be a daily blog, that's a while for me. The reasoning behind this hiatus is...well, I just haven't had anything to write about. There hasn't been any major news or trailers to talk about, no new episodes of TV shows, and I can only do so many cheap thoughts and favourite character sections before it gets redundant. I've missed days before, but usually that was just because i was too busy to write anything or was struggling to think of anything, but those were usually only one day at a time and i would have enough ideas the next day to write something up to make up for lost time. In this case, it's just been a bad case of writer's block, which gimme credit, the year and 2 months i've been doing this, this is the first time it's happened. And you know, the fact that no one reads this also helps me feel less pressure about writing up stuff for this blog, i do it for fun and that's really it. But I am going to try and get back onto my regular schedule from now, though it's hard to tell for now so i don't want to promise anything, but you can expect more blog posts for the next few days at least.


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