Saturday 29 August 2015

Is There Anything GOOD About Dragonball Evolution?

Dragonball Evolution is one of the worst movies i've ever seen, it's awful as both an adaptation and a stand alone movie, almost everything about it is wrong...almost. One has to ask themselves, is there anything good about this movie? Surprisingly, there are a few things about the film that do work for me, and keep in mind, I hate this movie and would like to see it erased from Planet Earth. But in the sake of fairness let's talk about some of the good things (what little there are) about this turd.

First of all, I like the jokes in this movie, okay they're not gutbusting and are few and far between, but i did laugh as a fan of the franchise and was the only thing that made me think the people behind this movie actually watched the show. Like watching Goku trying to gel his hair but it goes back to being naturally spikey, not gonna lie, that made me chuckle a fair amount.

Then there's the production design and colour scheme of this movie, i like the way this film looks...for the most part, the CGI, editing and cinematography sucks I like the sets and Goku's costume at the end of the film looks awesome. I also like how colourful the film is and how other worldly it feels, in a better film i could legitimately believe these environments are part of the Dragonball Universe.

Then there's the choreography of the fight scenes, now the fight scenes as a whole suck due to bad camera work and editing, but there's still enough proof here that there was actual effort put into the fight scenes, no it doesn't look anything like a fight scene from Dragonball or Dragonball Z, but at least they have actual martial arts, which ironically Dragonball never had any legitimate martial arts in it.

Then finally there's Piccolo, he's written awfully, is incredibly inconsistent and is a waste of James Marsters talents, but what should have been the goofiest and most difficult character to get across on the big screen visually speaking, they did a damn good job of it. If you were to show me a picture of James Marsters in full make-up as Piccolo, I would say he looks fucking awesome! Then i see the movie and see how badly he was handled, but again, visually speaking, they got him pretty right.

So those are the few things about Dragonball Evolution that actually works for me and i think are actually good. Do they make up for the bad things about this film? Hell no! But considering that so many people have talked about all the things wrong with this film (Justifiably so) I felt it was fair enough to talk about the good things about this film, despite how little there are.


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