Thursday 25 January 2018

My Favourite Characters - Rosa Diaz

Technically speaking, there are several characters on Brooklyn Nine-Nine that I like more than Rosa, either because I think their funnier, they've been the centre to some of my favourite episodes, or because they're played by Terry Crews. However, Rosa Diaz was able to give me something that no other sitcom character-hell, no character-has ever given me something before, and chances are, you know what that is, just because of the frame I used for this post.

Rosa Diaz coming out as bisexual was a moment that I didn't expect to hit me so hard. I rarely see my sexuality portrayed on screen, and it never really bothered me outside of mild annoyance, but when Brooklyn Nine-Nine had one of their main characters come out, and said the word "bisexual" more times in one episode than I've heard any other show use, combined? It got to me. It's something I didn't realise I needed until I got it. It wasn't even the discussion or the specific character that got to me, it was just the use of the word, hearing "bisexual" be said so many times on television. It made me think back to every character in fiction that was bisexual, they either avoid using the word (Sara Lance, Korra, Bob Belcher) or they're sex driven maniacs (Jack Harkness, Britney Pierce, Oberyn Martell). Hell, even a character like Wonder Woman, who is one of my favourite characters, confirmed to be bisexual and is all about loving everyone, has never even said the word before. Looking back, the only example I could think of where a character verbally confirms to be bisexual while not being defined by their sex drives is the movie Paul. How crazy is that?

Rosa was a first for me, a character that isn't defined by her bisexuality, but isn't hiding it either. Sure, she was in the closet, but every queer person takes their own time to come out. When I think of Rosa, I think about the fact that she's a hard-ass, she's deadpan, she's violent, and she's hilarious. Now I get to think she's all those things and bisexual, and to say the word, and to talk to her friends who love her for it. Rosa Diaz is the best portrayal of bisexuality I've ever seen, so thank you Rosa, thank you Stephanie Beatriz, thank you Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


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