Friday 19 January 2018

DC TV Weekly #33

So with Black Lightning finally arriving, CW has decided to alter it's schedule a tad, with Supergirl and Legends now sharing each other's spot, meaning we won't be getting any of Legends for a couple of weeks. Understandable as you don't want to overcrowd the network (Unless you just wanna create a superhero exclusive network like I've always thought they should) but it means no Legends for a little bit. Oh well.

Supergirl 'Legion of Superheroes' Review
Ya remember last year when I reviewed the episode of Supergirl where Superman & Martian Manhunter fighting Metallo? And even though the rest of the episode didn't do much for me, I still gave it a positive rating just because it has Superman & Martian Manhunter fighting Metallo? I feel like this is gonna be the same. Kara is in a coma because she's injured but then they turn it into a psychological problem which I don't believe. It also has a toneally confused comedic scene where J'onn has to pretend to be Kara, even though the rest of this episode is super serious. Then there's also this absolutely stupid romance between Lana and James that has no place being here...But it also has the Legion of Super Heroes showing up, teaming up with Supergirl and Martian Manhunter to fight off a super villain. I'm sorry, my nerdy heart just can't say no to that. I can overlook stupid details like why a prison has one button just out in free space that can open every cell in the block, simply because we have Braniac-5 awkwardly having a crush on Supergirl. That's good enough. 6/10.

The Flash 'The Trail of The Flash' Review
It's strange what parts of this show I'm willing to accept. Man who can run faster than the speed of light? Sure. Soap Opera style court cases? Now that's too silly. Maybe it's just because I recently finished binge watching The People vs OJ Simpson, but this court room was almost laughable at how unbelievable it is. Surprise evidence, people storming in and out of the court room and the idea the defendant can just leave whenever he wants? The worst thing about it was Iris just going to give up Barry's identity, did she really not think about the repercussions that would cause?? Furthermore, Iris, that's not your secret, don't be a dick! Oh, and Barry apparently has a new super power that we've never seen before and wasn't set up at all, cause that's good writing! It wasn't all bad though, the scene with Ralph convincing Joe to not go dirty was great, convincing him to do the right thing, while also exploring more of Ralph's backstory. Even the Meta of the week was decent, he wasn't a bad guy, just a dude with a really unlucky power, and we got to see the trio take him on together (Even if Killer Frost did kinda get the shaft). On a final note: I don't think I like this new DeVoe, he just lacks the charisma that Neil Sandilands brought to the role, now he just feels like a blank piece of paper. For the most part this episode was lacking, I like the fact that they followed through with Barry being arrested and has now been found guilty, it's just everything about the court case felt half-arsed, but the dressing around it was nice. 5/10.

Arrow 'Divided' Review
What did this episode achieve? Really? This episode is the characters playing catch up, learning things that we as the audience already know, without doing anything interesting in the meantime. If you're going to give your audience more information than the characters, there needs to be a purpose, because the first half of this episode did none of that. Then in the second half we have Oliver realising that *gasp* he needs a team! WE KNOW THIS! It's been drilled into his head and our heads since season two! Then we have him having trust issues and having his hypocritical bullshit being called out, being doing that since season three. This episode is nothing but repetition of bad ideas that we hated back then, and we hated now. We know nothing new about the villain's plans, and now three members of Team Arrow have gone off to form their own team which is stupid, do they not see how that's going to make the bad guys job easier and their own job harder!? At best, this episode was dull, at worst it was stupid. It sucked, and I hated it. 3/10.


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