Sunday 5 February 2017

Powerless - First Thoughts

Powerless is the new NBC sitcom that takes place in a DC Universe, following the adventures of a group of regular people who's jobs are to make life easier for normal people having to put up with superhero nonsense. Considering this show has some great comedic talent such as Danny Pudi and Alan Tudyk, plus an interesting premise to show the superhero world from a different angle, I was looking forward to this. Even Vanessa Hudgens, I was interested in seeing her in a comedic role. Judging from this first episode, this seems like a fairly enjoyable series. This is certainly a series that is made by people who love superheroes, the commentary and humour doesn't come from a cynical viewpoint on superhero tropes, plus it's filled with references to lesser DC Properties. The cast are all enjoyable and have good chemistry, particularly Tudyk, who was one of the major selling points, also the slacker boss character trope is one that just always works for some reason.

The first thing that came to mind while watching this was how much it reminded me of another sitcom from a few years ago called 'Better Off Ted'. A severely underrated show that focused on the R&D department of an evil company. Meanwhile this series follows the R&D department of a good company, so it seemingly acts as a companion piece. Though honestly, a series following an evil company conceptually has more opportunities for humour, so I'm curious to see how this show will handle it, because honestly the joke of "Man, superheroes sure are irritating for us common folk" is going to get old fairly quick. Also, the opening credits are freaking genius. An homage to classic comic book covers, but focusing on characters in the background for the cast credits. Also the switch in music from epic to quirky with the transition adds to the tone, and personally I felt it was one of the better opening credits of the year.

For a pilot this was a fairly conventional one, even for a unique premise, the cast were likeable and the jokes were funny, which, for a comedy series, that's probably the most important aspect. I liked it and will probably be tuning in again.


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