Saturday 18 February 2017

DC TV Weekly #13

Supergirl 'Luthors' Review
I never really got into the whole "Shipping" business. I don't see the point, nor the passion in taking any two characters that get along and making them a couple, it's even worse when people make ships that make no damn sense (Lookin' at you Jack & Elsa). So in the case of Supergirl I never got people wanting Kara and Lena to be together...but hooboy do I see where it comes from now. Just take those final two scenes, one between Kara and Lena, who are supposedly just friends, and then right after with Kara and Mon-El who are supposedly meant for each other...yeah the Lena one had way more sexual tension. I still don't know if I like the idea of Lena as a character, mostly because the idea of a Super and a Luthor being friends seems...odd to me. But just with those two scenes, it's like comparing spicy hotwings to white bread. Thankfully Mr Mxyzptlk shows up to cockblock them. See why I like this show? I get to say sentences like that. We also have James claiming he knows what he's doing even though I'm pretty sure he's screwed up like, what? 5 Times now? So...yeah. Thanks for reminding us that he's pathetic. Seriously, every time you find out shit is going down how is the first answer not automatically "Tell Supergirl!". Oh right, testosterone filled ego bullshit., was that it? The majority of the episode was trying to prove Lena is a good person but...didn't we do this just 5 episodes ago? And James being a fuck-up is stuff we've seen before...And Mon-El There was literally nothing new about this about filler. 5/10.

Arrow 'Spectre of the Gun' Review
How does one even approach this episode? I could talk about how the conversations had in this episode have been had by everyone and isn't really bringing anything new to the table. I could talk about the hypocrisy of a superhero show following vigilantes taking the law into their own hands aren't qualified to discuss these things. Or I could say this episode isn't changing anyone's minds. But really, part of me is glad that the show is trying to tackle these type of issues, and handles them with respect. Plus they make it personal to Rene, give the character some more depth, and he is a character I have never been a fan of, he's like the James Olsen of Arrow. I also like that this episode focused on Oliver solving the issue as mayor, not as the Green Arrow, and how this isn't an issue that can be solved in a 40 minute episode, but you have to take baby steps. The writers definitely put a lot of care and effort into this episode and tackling this issue. However, there are several glaring flaws, the major one would be the episode ends with Oliver overnight coming up with a new amendment that is the perfect balance between the anti-gun crowd and the pro-gun crowd that will make everyone happy...and we're not given any details into how it works...huh. Also Dinah's story was...non-existent, I don't think "tacked on" is a strong enough term. So a good message, nothing new, but I give them props of trying and being respectful about it. 7/10.

Wow. Only 2 episodes to talk about this week? That's odd.


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