Wednesday 27 January 2016

The Flash "The Reverse-Flash Returns" Review

Ya know Legends of Tomorrow introduced the concept that there is literally a guild who's only job is to make sure no one fucks over the timeline by using time travel...well they kinda dropped the ball with Reverse Flash! Here in The Reverse Flash Returns, The Reverse Flash...returns...kinda self-explanatory. Actually it is a little bit more complicated, this is very early on in Eobard Thawne's timeline, he doesn't even know Flash's identity or the fact that he was from the early 21st Century, why he ended up in the 21st century exactly is never explained but a means to an end i guess.

So they're kinda pulling a River Song here, the more these two meet the more Barry knows of Eobard and the less Eobard knows of Barry. But is it me or was everyone an idiot in this episode? Okay so you have Reverse Flash as your prisoner, but ya can't kill him or keep him prisoner because wibbly wobbly timey wimey, blah blah blah, the real reason is because the entire premise of the series would be gone if they did so. But then they kept revealing things to him that they really didn't need to "You kill my mother" well he will now that you've given him the idea! Has no one here seen Back to the Future!? Seriously, they tell him far too much information, then they make up some bullshit about sending him back to his own timeline to save Cisco. So they re-introduce the Reverse Flash for one episode and what does it achieve? Does Barry receive any kind of closure? Do they learn anything new about RF? Best case scenario that I can see is he'll come back later on to help them beat Zoom, which honestly would be fucking awesome, i love hero/villain team-ups.

Then the subplots of the episode, Caitlin tries to help Jay out by finding his doppelganger, he says it won't work and the only way for her to understand is to see it herself, so he takes her to the park and explains his doppelganger won't work...yeah it's not exactly something that needs to be seen to be believed. This is a subplot that literally could have been solved in one scene, "I was thinking we try and find your doppelganger and maybe he could help" "Yeah that won't work, already found him, but he doesn't have powers, only getting my speed back would save me" "Oh ok". Boom. Done.

Next is Patty who has not been behaving the best these past few episodes, in this case she finds out The Flash is Barry, by tricking him of all things, now even though she's 99% sure he is The Flash, she needs to know fully so she pretends to be held hostage so he'll show up and...Barry is okay with it? If i was in his place i would be pretty pissed at that, "Wow so you trick me into revealing my secret instead of telling you when i wanted to, not that it should matter cause we broke up and you are about to leave town, so you couldn't just let this go and you had to show a blatant abuse of my heroism? Fuck you, i'm glad you're leaving town".

The story here is lazy as all hell, i swear no one even tried for this episode. Hm, two bad episodes in a row, i'm getting nervous. 4/10.


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