Thursday 28 January 2016

Arrow "AWOL" Review

You know I'm starting to think at this point I have more to say about Supergirl each week than Arrow. In this filler episode we have an entirely new evil secret organization (Do they all have like a convention or something?) that Diggle's brother Andy was working with (Another one!?) and also Felicity comes to terms with the fact that she's in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Alright so Felicity's story ain't all that bad, losing the ability to walk making her question how useful she can be from now on. Even though her skillsets were all intellectual so it doesn't have any effect on her helping them, but hey who wouldn't be in a slump after being shot in the spine. Also now she has a new codename "Overwatch" pretty cool if I do say so myself, but that joke about Oracle raises too many flags for me. Okay so you acknowledge you're ripping off Batman some more, also the name is already taken? What. Does Barbra Gordon exist in the Arrow universe? Does Jim Gordon? Gotham? Batman? Well we already know Wayne Inc. exists because of that Easter egg in Flash, but still this joke has way too many implications along with it.

Then there is Diggle's storyline with his brother finally reaching its conclusion, honestly this is something that got repetitive pretty quickly so I’m glad they've resolved it, but my big problem is the filler story around it. Who cares about Shadowspire? Or Rubicon? Or Opium? You could have easily made this a story about Hive, at least then it would tie into the main story of the show, but this just came across as one big piece of filler. We got some nice character development for Diggle and Felicity but it doesn't add anything to the over arcing storyline.

Finally, there are just some small points I would like to make, the first one being during the fight scenes they kept trying to punch through the soldiers’ morons! Also Amanda Waller dies, okay. Being honest I never liked the actress they got to play the role, Waller is supposed to be cold-hearted and spiteful but still capable of expressing emotions, this Waller was a fucking robot, even in death she just looked bored.

Overall while we have some good character stuff to work with here, the story just didn't have that big of an impact and it was more of stuff we've already seen plenty of before. 6/10.


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