Wednesday 13 January 2016

Doctor Who "The Husband of River Song" Review

7 Years. I have waited 7 years for this moment. Ever since The Silence in the Library where we first met her and learnt of their fate. River Song and The Doctor, living their lives backwards, The Doctor meets her on the day that she dies and with every meeting since then he gains more knowledge of her while she knows less, with him always knowing when she will die. Here we've reached a point where River didn't even know The Doctor had a 13th Face and she finds out in probably the perfect way, in the face of death, not knowing The Doctor is right beside her, she describes what it's like to be the wife of The Doctor "When you love the Doctor, it's like loving the stars themselves. You don't expect a sunset to admire you back. And if I happen to find myself in danger, let me tell you, the Doctor is not stupid enough, or sentimental enough, and he is certainly not in love enough to find himself standing in it with me!". It's interesting how despite everything we've seen with these two it's hard to sometimes define their relationship and how they feel about each other, not only do i feel like we get a clear description on the two but the passion and pain behind Alex Kingston's voice while delivering those lines was outstanding.

Then we finally get it. The scene that was set up in their first episode together, the Singing Towers of Darillium, the new suit, the sonic screwdriver, it's all coming together. Honestly i had reached a point where i started to believe this was something we were never going to see on screen, but watching this after all this time was unreal. Watching this relationship, this strange, dysfunctional beyond all recognition relationship come to a close has been one hell of a journey and they ended it in the most perfect manner, River got the perfect send off and Alex Kingston, you have left your place in Doctor Who history as one of the best characters in the modern series. Truly there was no better way to end it.

Oh. The rest of the episode was crap. 7/10.


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