Thursday 26 June 2014

"Young Adult" Rant

So there's a really big craze going around in the book/movie industry these days, and that being the "Young Adult" genre, which I just straight up have to say it total crap. Oh, not because I think the products are lame (I mean some are obviously, but others are good), it's total crap because it is a made up genre. You know what the real name for a Young Adult Novel is? A Teen Novel! The only reason why they call it Young Adult is so that people in their 20's don't feel bad about reading a book meant for teenagers. "Oh, it's not a teen novel, it's a young adult novel, it's definitely made for me" despite the fact that all of the characters are teenagers dealing with teenage problems so I'm afraid to break it too ya's a Teen Novel!

Now look I'm not saying there's anything wrong with liking Teen Novels, if you're an adult who likes books for teens...then that's fine! Like whatever you like! Just don't pretend it's something other than what it really is, a teen novel. I mean I absolutely love Toy Story, but I'm never gonna consider it anything other than a kids movie, but I don't care, because it is a damn great kids movie! Which is also why I hate when people refer to it as a "family movie". Yeah, everyone can love Toy Story, kids or adults but let's face it, it's still made for kids, the adults are just a bonus audience. And it's the same with teen novels, you don't have to be a teen to like it, but that doesn't mean the book was made for you.

And this craze is just getting worse and worse, I mean making stuff like The Hunger Games of The Fault in Our Stars "Young Adult" is one thing, but the fact that some people are considering Harry Potter to be a "Young Adult", fuck you, Harry Potter is not a "Young Adult" novel, it' not even a Teen novel! It's a kids' book! It's a goddamn kids' book! It was made-for-children! And guess what? I fucking love Harry Potter! And you know when I first took notice of it? When I was a kid! But it doesn't matter if you're a kid, teen or adult who loves Harry Potter, because Harry potter is fucking amazing, you should definitely love it, but don't go pretending that it's a Young Adult novel because again: There's-no-such-thing.


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