Sunday 29 June 2014

Top 10 Annoying YouTuber Habits

I love a lot of YouTubers but I'll be dammed if there aren't a lot of sucky YouTubers as well, the worst part is when some of the better YouTubers follow a lot of cliches that make other YouTubers sucky, and today I'm gonna be counting down my Top 10 Annoying YouTuber Habits.

10. Multiple YouTube Channels

Having a YouTube channel is great, and sometimes someone will want to do different types of videos so they feel the best thing to do is make a second channel which is normally done for let's plays or iPhone vlogs or whatever. And sometimes this works, like with WheezyWaiter or TheFlickPick. But then there are some channels who just get greedy and have waaaaaay too many channels, like iJustine who has not 1, not 2, but FIVE channels! The same with Tobuscus who has a billion channels! Look 2 channels is alright, maybe even 3 but after that you are crossing the line, do you really need so many channels when a lot of them consist of the exact same content?

9. Tagging/Challenges

I am sick of everyone doing the exact same tags/challenges all the freakin' time! The worst kind of tags are the Q&A tags, which I always think "why don't you just do a Q&A video then?" and who comes up with these "twists" to make their tag special? "I know, I'll do a Q&A Tag...on the toilet!!!!"...Um...okaaaaay. And why bother tagging people? What if a YouTuber really wants to do the tag and no tags them? That must suck. And these challenges aren't really challenges "eat a spoonful of guacamole!" what the hell? How is that in anyway a challenge? A challenge would imply that you actually accomplish something by the end up it, how does eating a particular type of food of playing a guessing game lead to something? It's not, it's dumb, if you're going to do a challenge, make it challenging, if you're going to do a tag, then make it interesting! Because who honestly gives a shit what is in your bag?

8. Over-Photoshopping Thumbnails

Now I have no problem with using photoshop to make unique thumbnails, the problem with this is that is when it's not used creatively or is repetitive. One of the biggest sinners of this is Smosh, which every single thumbnail will be someone pulling a silly face with bright cartoonish backgrounds and ridiculous text. Which I have no problem if you have a thumbnail like that every so often but having every single thumbnail be that? Can't you be a little bit more creative? Like Pretty Much It or Screen Junkies? After several thumbnails looking the exact same, it gets really tiring, repetitive and unless you stand out then you're not gonna convince people to watch your videos because none of them seem unique.


Why do you feel the need to do this? Not every single video is that exciting, they don't need to be in all caps and with a million exclamation marks. Again it's the photoshop issue, the more you try to make everything seem exciting, the less exciting it will seem. Only put capitals if the title is actually deems it worthy of all caps. While we're on the subject of titles, stop using misleading titles to get views! If you can't think of a title that could attract people to it then the video probably isn't all that interesting in the first place, don't lie to try and make it seem more interesting, have more respect for your audience man...

6. Discontinuing New Series'

Have you ever seen a YouTuber who will say something like "hey guys, so I'm gonna try something new today" or something along those lines and they might do a similar video maybe 3 or 4 times and then suddenly it just...stops. Yeah that happens entirely too often (Lookin' at you Emma Blackery) and it can get rather annoying on just how often this happens, so how about this guys? If you ever think of starting a new series of videos on your channel, take a look at your previous commitment, did you commit to it? No? Well then don't start a new series...pretty fucking obvious.

5. Over Use of Annotations

Oh sweet tyrannosaurus...How often do you watch a YouTube video and then suddenly for no reason a giant red box appears and it just simply says "SUBSCRIBE!" Wdaft--get the fuck out of here! I've been subscribed for 2 years now! Stop telling me! And if I was finding your video for the first time then I'll decide for myself thank you very much! Although I will give you a hint, putting "SUBSCRIBE!" in the first 3 seconds of your video before I've even seen anything is not the best first impression. And not to mention whenever the entire screen is covered in annotations and you can't even see the video anymore...*sigh*. Now annotations can be used cleverly, mostly those invisible annotations that you don't see unless you put the mouse over them, they're cool. But with every invisible annotation there is that weird rectangle in the bottom right...does anyone click that thing?

4. Vloggers That Barely Upload

Your job is literally to talk about your life, yet you only upload once a month?...HOW DO YOU HAVE OVER A MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!?!? Ohh right, you're hot.

3. Like, Comment & Subscribe

If I like your video, I will like it, it I have a strong enough opinion then I will comment and if I like you then I will subscribe, reminding me to is not going to change anything, it never has, it never will, not for me, not for anyone, stop it...stop it...stop it.

2. Telling People "It's Just My Opinion"

Now look, you're entitled to your own opinion, whether or not it's the popular opinion doesn't really matter, what matters more is your ability to defend of your opinion, your reasoning behind why that is your opinion. However, nothing is worse than when you constantly have to tell people "It's just my opinion" in an attempt to stop people from giving their opinions in the comments. Now I know the real reason why you say that is to stop trolls from saying things like "Wut? You don't like this thing? omg how dumb r u!?" but let me ask you something...when has that ever worked? No troll has ever heard someone say that and thought "oh okay, in that case I won't offer my poorly constructed opinion". It never meets the intention that you wanted and also in the cases where you might have an opinion that is going to be controversial-or dare I say: jackass-ish. Using that as a way to justify the jackass opinion just makes you come across as even more of a jackass.

1. More Subscribers Don't Make You Better

They don't and if you think they do, then you are the pre-established jackass.


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