Monday 14 November 2016

DC TV Weekly Round-Up 8/11/16-14/11/16

Trump gets elected and no new Flash. Wow this week sucks.

Supergirl 'Crossfire' Review
Oh yeah, Cadmus is a thing, I completely blanked on that last week when I said Supergirl hasn't established a main villain. Maybe it's because everything about Cadmus is reeeeeeeaaaaally dumb. Trying to establish yourselves as the good guys by hacking every monitor and leaving a very ominous and threatening message? Or how about trying to show how dangerous alien tech is it to any random crook who really don't seem trustworthy at all and Supergirl could take them down within seconds if it wasn't for bad writing? Wow these guys are so dumb. Also is it me or-now I could be wrong on this-but does anyone else have the slightest suspicion that maybe-just possibly-they're hinting that Alex might be gay? I mean the clues are there, despite how well hidden they may be. But in all seriousness, if they wanna make Alex gay then fine, I just wish if they wanted to play it out over several episodes make it feel more natural. If you're going to be as obvious as you are just make her gay already and give her the girlfriend so that story can actually go somewhere. And Jimmy suddenly wants to be a superhero because...he ain't got anything else to do in this show. Oh and Mon-El is kind of a douche...why is he here? Well, it was a good run while it lasted, but Supergirl has finally had a bad episode. If I were to compliment anything I'd say the comedy is better than usual, but that's about it. Everything else just screams rushed writing and is super duper dumb. 3/10.

Arrow 'So It Begins' Review
A shocking revelation this week on Arrow, Oliver keeps secrets from people!...I'm not even gonna complain, at this point i've complained about it so much it's almost as old as the plotline itself. Oh, and a weird riot ensues where people start shooting at nothing, and people are just running over each other for no that was such a weird fucking scene. In fact the only stand out scene from this episode is the reveal that Lance is Prometheus, not gonna lie, I didn't see that coming. I doubt he actually is Prometheus, but hey, a twist is a twist. But apart from that, yeah there was nothing new or even enjoyable in this episode. 3/10.

Legends of Tomorrow 'Compromised' Review
I was ready to tear into this episode before watching it if they didn't finally address the Legion of Doom in someway, or give us more information on Rip Hunter. Well, we finally get something. We've seen little glimpses of Darhk and Thawne working in the shadows, but it's about time they finally progressed that story, so here we see the two have begun time travelling together with the plan to...actually i'm not sure. I'm guessing hunt down the Legends, but I would hope they have more in mind. Also, Mick facing imminent death? Decides to casually eat a doughnut, nice. By the way what was the point in Martin Stein meeting his former self again? It doesn't change or develop our Martin by him seeing his old self, he's completely in the right about everything, the development is for his younger self...a stand alone character...why should we care!? Speaking of character development, it's nice to see Amaya get some development of her own, seeing her officially move on from the JSA and officially becoming a Legend, hopefully this'll make her feel more like a real member. Also her 80s hair was fantastic. Overall there was some nice development for certain characters and...not so good development for other characters. 5/10.


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