Monday 21 November 2016

DC TV Weekly #6

Ehh, that title was too long to write out every week, let's just settle with this. It's quicker to write and having them numbered still means it's easy to organise.

Supergirl 'Changing' Review
Wow, stuff happening, welcome back. What stuff exactly? Well, Alex coming out to Kara finally, so hopefully this story will go somewhere. I know a lot of people were really happy with how it was handled, but for me personally, it played out exactly how I expected it to. They were so unsubtle about foreshadowing this moment that there was no dramatic build up and of course Kara was going to be fine with it, she's frickin Supergirl. But hey, it happened and I can understand if it meant a lot to people, I just didn't care. Then there was the contintuation of Mon-El's story of him being kind of an asshole but trying to improve himself...only to get kidnapped by Cadmus, that sucks. Also James is finally doing stuff. Seriously, I feel like the writers so desperately want to drop everything with Catco so much that they made James Guardian. Which being honest, is a storyline that I did not think would work, but seeing him in action against Parasite...he wasn't half bad, also he & Winn are gonna be superfriends, yay. Parasite as a villain is interesting, he's always been one of my favourite concepts but two things about this didn't work for me. One: The whole environment's not 1996 anymore, everyone knows climate change is a real thing-unless you're a republican. Two: Supergirl killed him off...and didn't seem all too fussed about it. I know it's been said to death, but THE SUPER FAMILY DOESN'T KILL! Eh, I can't be bothered to get into it, this quick summary is already getting too long. The story was really well done for everyone...except for the villain, that just seems...baffling. 8/10.

The Flash 'Shade' Review
The fact that they're making it so obvious that Tom Felton is Alchemy must be a misdirection right? They have to have more faith in their audiences intelligence than this? Why do I have a feeling I'm about to be severely let down? Speaking of being let down, hey, Flash writers, bit of advice STOP WRITING WALLY TERRIBLY! "Why didn't you tell me?" "How do we know he's telling the truth?" "You don't trust me" my god he could not be a more whiney, selfish, idiotic brat if he tried. Wally West is my first and favourite Flash, please for the love of god stop making him awful and annoying. But to end this on a good note, Caitlin finally revealed to Cisco that she has super powers and the two of them are probably going to fight it out, because not enough superheroes have fought each other in 2016. While granted I think Caitlin should have being honest from the beginning, and Cisco was a dick for telling everyone, this is actually the plot I am most looking forward to seeing get explored this season and I'm really curious on how it turns out. Please don't suck. So, to recap, 2/3 of this episode sucked, while 1/3 was pretty good. 4/10.

Arrow 'Vigilante' Review
Back when they first announced Artemis for the show (Even if this isn't technically Artemis) I was excited but I knew they'd find a way to fuck it up...they fucked it up. You had to make her a spy? Really? Eh I guess it's not fair to complain when we don't know exactly know how this is gonna play out. What I can complain about is the titular character of this episode. Vigilante. For one: Why keep it a secret what his identity is when people can just google it and see which character it is, unless this is another misdirect. Oh also, the most interesting thing about Vigilante as a character is his suit and stereotypical cowboy persona and you took away both of them! I suddenly have no interest in this character anymore. Finally, Quentin and Thea...can you actually involve them in the plot, I mean yeah they're finally involved to an extent but make it more prominent please. This episode was so-so, nothing actually bad, but certainly has the potential to be setting up bad things in the future, and nothing stood out as being that good either, except for Vigilante claiming he's on Team Arrow's side, to which Curtis responds "Then stop shooting us!" solid logic. 5/10.

Legends of Tomorrow 'Outlaw Country' Review
Yet again, more of what I want to see in this series, fun adventures throughout time & space, and what better place than the Old West? Also, yay Jonah Hex is back, good for him. Actually, to talk about some serious character development that I want to see explored more is Mick's depression. The whole season he's been struggling to cope with the fact his best friend died and has tried several outlets to deal with it. He tried ignoring it, talking about it, moving on, but none of it has worked. In this episode, it seems as though he's giving up, seemingly having no interest in self-preservation and just throws himself into booze and violence, if he dies then so be it. This is heavy stuff, and is serious development for Mick as a character, and most importantly, it feels completely natural and earned. You know despite my praise for the fun and wacky stuff, this show sure has dealt with a lot of heavy shit this season, and it's actually dealing with it well? Wow I did not see that coming. 8/10.


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