Wednesday 23 November 2016

DC TV Weekly #7

Considering how much promotional material came out last week (Plus with the ending of Legends) I could have sworn the big crossover was happening this week. Gotta say I'm pretty disappointed, I was surprisingly looking forward to the crossover event. Oh well, guess it's just another week to go...of only two shows this week, well damn.

Supergirl 'The Darkest Place' Review
I'll give this episode credit, they finally made Cadmus seem like a legitimate threat. Kidnapping both Mon-El and Supergirl, draining her of her powers, taking her blood, building Cyborg Superman, yeah, good week to be Cadmus. Then we had J'onn finding out M'gann was a White Martian and that played out exactly as I would have wanted it to. He freaks out and tries to murder her, she does nothing to defend herself. However, I do have to call BS on the wrongful imprisonment, he has no right to apart from his own prejudice, pretty sure Kara & Alex ain't gonna be too happy about that. Finally, a super pointless subplot about Guardian dealing with a fellow vigilante. Goddammit, even when you make him interesting, you find a way to make him un-interesting again. This is such an overdone plotline in superhero stories, the copycat superhero that ruins the original's reputation-hell Arrow has done this at least 5 times-so please, for the love of god, do something interesting with Jimmy finally or just get rid of him. In the end, if it weren't for the Jimmy plotline, I would have no issues with this episode, but I am starting to have less and less tolerance for him. 7/10.

The Flash 'Killer Frost' Review
Did they ever actually establish a reason why Caitlin's powers effect her personality? I mean no one else's personality changes from their superpowers, what makes her's so different? Also god-fucking-dammit another speedster!? I don't care if this one is the "God of speed" or any shit like that, I am sick to fucking death of these fucking speedsters being the fucking villains on this fucking show. And oh, Julian turned out to be Alchemy, whoda fuckin' guessed that!? The only good things about this episode is everyone calling out Barry on his shit. But even then, I kind of hate it because Barry is such a fucking dumbass and I am sick of it! Caitlin calls him out on his shit for doing whatever benefits him, Cisco calls him out on his shit for lying to him, Julian calls him out on his shit for being bad at his job. I've been complaining about Wally, Iris and HR a lot, when really I should have been complaining about Barry for being an idiotic piece of shit. He's the hero of the show, and he's one of my favourite fictional characters, stop being awful!

I hate this episode. I hated Barry. I hated Killer Frost. I hated Savitar. I-haaaaaate-this episode. 1/10.


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