Friday 8 August 2014

The School of Rock Legend

School of Rock is a strange movie, and by that I mean, it is strange on just how popular it became...I have no idea how many people actually cared about this movie when it first came out, if it was that big with the critics or even what people in other countries thought about it but here in England, for some reason my generation was obsessed with this movie, I mean, we really loved it. When it first came out everyone went to see it, it was all people talked about, it was the film that introduced us to Jack Black as well as classic 70's rock. Everytime when there was a movie day at school, 90% of the time it was going to be School or Rock, except for science class where they showed us Day After Tomorrow and The Core despite being horribly inaccurate films. But School of Rock was a monster hit, and I have absolutely no idea why. I mean don't get me wrong, I love this movie as well, I freakin' adore this film...and I have no idea why! I mean it's definitely a good film, don't get me wrong. But it's not the funniest movie from my childhood, it's not the best musical from my childhood, it's not even the most colourful film from my childhood. So...why did we all love it? Why did everyone watch this movie a million times? I mean I could understand why older generations would love it because it reminds them of a classic time when rock music ruled the world and it's introducing a new generation to that, but why did the kids love it? Could it be the concept? I mean don't get me wrong, spending my time in school as part of a rock band rather than learning does sound really cool, but is that enough to make it a legend for a generation? I doubt it. Honestly I don't have an answer, I have no clue on why this film is as popular as it is, and frankly, I don't think I want to know. It's just one of those great mysteries in life, why was School of Rock so popular?


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