Friday 1 August 2014

PC vs Console

You know what I hate most about gaming on the PC? The fans. The fans are the most obnoxious and egotistical bunch of pricks I've ever met in the gaming community, they're worse than the Call of Duty fan boys, and that's saying something! This is a debate that has been going on for eons, what is better? PC or Console? Now it's obviously PC, depending on your system it can be a lot more powerful than any console, there's a lot more customisation for your graphics, a ton of exclusives and of course it has Steam, which when the sales come around I'm pretty sure is the abusive spouse in this relationship, it brings us so much pain but deep down there's some good that comes from it.

However, with that being said, if I ever have the choice, I am almost always going to go for a console over a PC, why? For several reasons, first of all, while PC has more exclusives, I personally think the consoles, particularly the Playstation consoles have better exclusives. Uncharted, The Last of Us, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter, Infamous, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro--wait a minute...those were all made by the same 3, still awesome though. Point is, whenever I look at my all time favourite games, the majority of them are not actually available on PC apart from a couple like Portal. And who can forget Shadow of the Colossus? Often considered to be the greatest videogame of all time? Playstation exclusive. Same can be said about Metal Gear Solid, Playstation exclusive. Or just look at Nintendo, granted they're nothing but exclusives at this point but how many people consider Ocarina of Time to be the best game of all time? Or Super Mario 64 or one of the bajillion Pokemon games? Are there any PC exclusives that would be considered best game of all time? Portal maybe, but most people would say the sequel is better and no longer an exclusive.

Second reason...I just prefer playing on a console. You can throw all the facts and details at me on why gaming on a PC is better but overall, I just don't have fun playing on a keyboard, I'm a lot more comfortable playing on a controller, and for those of you who are saying "Xbox 360 controllers work on PC!" well yeah but, I still have to be sat right next to the PC like a stiff rather than being sat on my comfortable couch. I know that from a technical aspect PC is far superior but I just don't give a shit if I'm not having fun, and again, that obnoxious and egotistical crowd don't seem like the type of people I would want to hangout with. And also, graphics are only going to get you so far in a game, now anyone who says there's no difference between 60fps and 30fps are lying through their teeth, 60fps are obviously superior. But graphics aren't the core of a game, they're the icing on the cake. If I even remotely let graphics affect my enjoyment of the game then I wouldn't ever play anything classic because let's face it, the graphics will be dated. Shadow of the Colossus doesn't have the best graphics in the world but does that mean it's not a beautiful game? Or course not! It's always going to be a beautiful game! And yes, while I constantly praise The Last of Us for it's amazing graphics, that's still not one of the best things about the game, what I praise above all else is the story and characters in that game, and the gameplay as well, because that's the thing, graphics don't mean shit unless the game itself is good.


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