Tuesday 12 August 2014

A Tribute to Robin Williams

Robin Williams is one of the greatest comedians of all time, this man was able to do it all, stand-up, acting, improv, impressions, the man was telling a joke a mile a minute. If you gave the set up for a joke then he would have thought of 5 different punch lines before you even finished the set up. This is a man that was so good at what he did, that when he provided the voice of The Genie from Aladdin he improvised most of his lines and the studio had over 16 hours worth of content from him. Williams was able to make the most depressed individuals feel happy, even if it was just for a moment, the man had a gift that no one else has, his infectious smile, his optimistic personality, Robin Williams is a man that we all wish we knew. But not only was he a comedic genius, but was all round a brilliant actor, we always knew he could comfort us with laughter but in films such as Good Will Hunting he was able to comfort us through drama, to show us that we have a choice in our life, we're not who other people say we are and we don't have to blame ourselves for the mistakes in our life...Everyone has that childhood film that we all remember for being the one that introduced us to Williams, for me it was Mrs Doubtfire as I'm sure it was for a lot of people.

Robin Williams was the man who took us on adventures in Jumanji, he taught us the importance of family in Mrs Doubtfire, he showed us that we all have an inner child in Hook, he was the friend we never had in Aladdin and he comforted us and assured us that it wasn't our fault in Good Will Hunting. He's a man that shall always be remembered and always loved and always cherished...and we can only hope that he knew that.

Robin Williams

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