Saturday 2 August 2014

Is Star Wars Fantasy?

I absolutely hate it when people say Star Wars is fantasy; "oh but the force is a fantasy element!" yeah shut the fuck up. Yes, the force was originally a fantasy element, it was this strange and mysterious power that surrounded us, penetrated us...That was until Lucas fucked that up by introducing medichlorians. Which admittedly does make it a science-fiction element, I still hate them, it ruins the sense of mystery and power that the force had to it that made it so cool and giving it any kind of explanation is stupid, and the one we got was even stupider.

However, with that being said, Star Wars is not fantasy, it's sci-fi, you know it, i know it, it's sci-fi, not even "technically fantasy" if anything is "technically anything" then it's "really nothing". When someone asks you what genre is Star Wars is, you say science-fiction, one element does not instantly make it a fantasy, even if it is a major element, it is science-fiction. Aliens? Science Fiction. Spaceships? Science Fiction. Future technology even though it takes place in the past? Science Fiction. Face it, Star Wars is science-fiction NOT fantasy, and don't ever try and claim it is again. I mean don't get me wrong, I have nothing against fantasy, I love fantasy, but it is a completely separate thing with it's own codes & conventions to follow. I just really wanted to make that distinction.

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