Saturday 20 August 2016

Why Doesn't Cyborg Work On His Own?

Cyborg has gotten a lot of crap in recent years, mostly because DC hasn't done the best job of handling the character. Ever since The New 52 DC has really tried hard to make him an important member of the DC Universe, making him one of the big members of the Justice League, giving him his own comic and his own movie, and of course like anything forced down audiences' throats, they tend to reject it. Lots of people making fun of Cyborg and pointing out how he's not really that interesting of a character and most likely can't hold his own movie and...yeah in someway's that's true.

But thing is, Cyborg isn't a bad character, he's just been badly handled. For me, and for a lot of people, Cyborg belongs with the Teen Titans, that's where he's always seemed the most comfortable and fitting. He behaves a lot like a football jock in high school, he doesn't fit in next to gods. He's the adult of a group of teenagers, making him the kid in a group of adults completely changes that power dynamic and is not where he belongs. Cyborg is mature, but he is still a rambunctious and energetic teen. Making him a member of the Justice League where he has to behave all serious and mature isn't his style. That's why he doesn't work as part of the Justice League and why he doesn't work on his own. Hell, this year's animated movie Justice League Vs Teen Titans kind of supports that as well, even though Cyborg is a member of the Justice League he spends most of the movie with the Teen Titans and seems much more comfortable spending time with them than he does any member of the League, even going as far to throw a pizza party with them.

Which is why the announcement that he'll be appearing in The Flash movie makes perfect sense, one: it has a power dynamic where he's with someone in equal age, maturity and personality so he's most likely going to blend well with him. I could see the two having good banter and conversations that would make Cyborg an entertaining character, interesting or complex? Unlikely, but an enjoyable one.


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