Friday, 20 February 2015

Stuff You're Supposed To Like But Really Sucks

With a title like that one could assume this is a Buzzfeed article (Side note: fuck Buzzfeed) but the other day i talked about how i've been re-watching a lot of How I Met Your Mother and i've noticed that a lot of the show, especially the first season is about stuff you're supposed to like but in reality they kinda suck, so i'm gonna talk about some of the stuff that i feel you're supposed to like but actually sucks.

You know the only reason why people go to clubs (Especially guys)? It's because it's the easiest way to get laid, you don't need to flirt with them all night, go on a date or put any kind of actual effort in. You just buy them a drink, dance next to them for a little bit and you're good, and of course be attractive, something which i was not blessed with, personality is my only shot. So for me, and anyone else who doesn't have sex when going to a club, it's crowded, smells, plays crappy music and takes forever to get a drink (Which are overpriced by the way). And frankly, even if you are hot then there's no guarantee that you're going to get any action, so it's really just a gamble, and i just don't think it's worth it.

Arthouse Movies:
You acknowledge that they're clever and probably do mean something, but at the same time, god are they boring, if you're trying to say something about the human condition, do you have to take 3 hours to do it? Also who are you to tell me about how humanity sucks, i don't know you, what makes your opinion so special? You know Fight Club made me hate all of humanity but it was fun about it, you're not deep, you just kinda suck.

Extended Family:
You know these people are your family and of course you enjoy seeing them, but you always have to act far more proper than you do with your real family and you honestly couldn't care about what they've been up to in the 6 months since you last saw them. Also you stopped giving me birthday gifts when i turned 14, screw you guys, that's a privilege i get till 18 at the earliest.

Award Shows:
Seriously people, at the end of the day, it's just people's opinions on things, only difference is they can afford big stadiums, they don't matter and when something wins that you don't agree with, why do you care so much? Of course they're biased, because guess what, it's all opinions! LEGO Movie wasn't nominated for best animated film at the Oscars? Oh boo-hoo, that totally means i can no longer enjoy that film--of course i still enjoy it! It's awesome! I don't need a bunch of fancy people in suits to approve of my opinion!

Mad Men:
It sucks...that's kinda it, go rewatch Breaking Bad.


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