Saturday, 21 February 2015

Stuff You're Supposed To Hate But Actually Find Cool

The opposite of what I was going for yesterday, so let's talk about these things.

The Current Generation:
Oh my god! They're growing up with different cartoons which i will instantly assume suck even though i haven't watched them and are clouded by nostalgia! WHAT!? They have iPhones! I didn't need iPhones when i was a kid...mostly because they weren't invented but how dare we make life easy for children! They should suffer just like i did, because dial-up definitely counts as suffering!

Christmas & Valentines Day are nothing more than commercialized holidays with no deep meaning? First of all, so what if it's commercialized? If it makes people happy to recieve gifts then why not let them be happy? And also they have whatever meaning you give to them, they make people happy, stop being so cynical. New Years as well, even if only 1 in 100 people actually do change, then good for them.

Taylor Swift:
Her lyrics may be simplistic and pandering, but damn are they catchy songs, and not in that incredibly annoying way like Iggy Azalea, but actually catchy in a way where i don't want to kill myself. She's got a good voice and makes for good eye candy, exploitation to the max!

Modern Simpons:
No it's not as good as it used to be, but it's still kinda funny, i wouldn't say no to watching an episode if i've got nothing else to do...actually that joke was really funny, hahahahahahahahaha!

You're wearing a scarf and a short sleeved shirt? Where's the logic? I mean yeah you look really good like that i got nothing, you're killing that flannel shirt and male ponytail.

The Cast of Twilight:
Huh, and i thought i hated Twilight, but these guys really like to bash into it, maybe they're alright.

God do people suck...well except for those people, they're cool, i like them, okay fine, maybe not everyone on this planet sucks, in fact, overall, i have a good life and should probably take a better look at what i've got and appreciate it some more...mmm, s'mores...


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