Futurama seems to be one of those shows that everybody watches, everybody loves and yet somehow, we always forget about it. Every time when people are talking about their favourite TV Shows, after about 20 suggestions someone will bring up Futurama and everyone else goes "Oh yeeeaaaahhh!" not unlike the Kool-Aid Man. Futurama is one of the cleverest shows to ever exist with brilliant writing and memorable stories & characters, so why do we always forget about it? We all remember The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, hell even Bob's Burgers is starting to get a reputation, so why is it that we always need someone to remind us about Futurama existing?
When the show was cancelled, people went nuts, both times! Well if so many people were head over heels for this show then why was it cancelled...twice, because nobody was watching it. Hell, when I first found out about Futurama's cancellation I was surprised as hell...but I hadn't watched the latest season and I didn't know anyone who did, even though we love Futurama we still weren't watching it. And it's not like The Simpsons where the latest seasons just dip in quality, Futurama was strong till the end, both in terms of comedy and drama, so why weren't we watching it!?
Why is it that a show that appeals to everyone is somehow forgotten by everyone? Is such a timeless show destined to be lost in the depths of time? I think it's about time we all took another look at Futurama, because we can't let a show that everyone loves be forgotten, if you love Futurama just like everyone else does, then it's time to show it.
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