Tuesday 11 October 2016

DC TV Weekly Round Up 3/10/16-10/10/16

Image result for the flash flashpoint episodeI wanna try and get back into reviewing all of the DC superhero shows, but considering how dang many there are and I don't always have that much to say, I'm going to now do a weekly round up where I give quick reviews of all the shows. However seeing as only Flash and Arrow came back last week, they're the only ones that I'll be talking about in this instalment. With that being said, let's get too it.

The Flash "Flashpoint" Review
Don't you just love it when they adapt a popular comic...just because it was popular? Seriously, Flashpoint was an okay comic book at best, but is incredibly irrelevant these days. Regardless, let's talk about the episode. Last season ended with Barry rewriting all of history (Because he's a fucking moron) and this is the new reality he created. His parents are alive, Wally is Kid Flash, Cisco is rich, etc. Surprisingly the thing that stood out to me in this episode in a positive light was the relationship between Barry and Iris, I don't think I've ever seen them have this good chemistry before. Also Cisco was fun as hell being this Tony Stark rip-off. With that being said, man was this episode dumb. Iris giving a big speech: Dumb. Kid Flash vibrating his face even though he's wearing a mask: dumb. The logic of...any of this, even by superhero standards: dumb. Matter of fact, the episode ends with Reverse-Flash being alive and well, but doesn't that create a paradox? He loses his speed after killing Barry's mother originally, if he didn't lose his speed then none of this should have happened? Granted the ending actually sets up something interesting with Iris and Joe apparently having a horrible relationship, so maybe that'll be interesting to see. But yeah, this was such a dumb episode and honestly quite lazy. 5/10.

Arrow "Legacy" Review
Now for Arrow, which I can't believe I'm saying this. They had the better episode. First off, the one thing Arrow has always done well is great action, and that continues here with the first action scene being one long take. It's not the first time they've done that but goddamn if it doesn't look cool. Also this episode did a better job of setting up what this season is going to be. They establish the villain, Oliver's arc, the new team. All of it at a reasonable pace with some decent character interactions that only sometimes became melodramatic. But yeah, I actually enjoyed this episode, it was well written, well shot and decently entertaining. 7/10.

So, those were the opening episodes for Flash and Arrow, one was really dumb, the other was...actually okay. Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow start this week, how will there opening episodes do? Let's find out on...whichever day i decide to schedule these reviews. Or heck, maybe I'll just wing it and do em whenever I feel like.


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