Sunday 30 October 2016

DC TV Weekly Round Up 24/10/16-31/10/16

Miss Martian over on Supergirl, Artemis & Arsenal over on Arrow, Kid Flash on...Flash, we're 4 out of 7 for a Young Justice reunion on the DC TV Universe! Make it happen CW! Superboy on Supergirl, Aqualad on Legends of Tomorrow, Robin on Arrow, it could work!

Supergirl 'Welcome To Earth' Review
Tell me I'm not the only one who always reads that title in a Will Smith voice. You know Supergirl kind of has had the same problem for a while now, where they'll do one thing really cool, and then they'll do another thing really dumb and the rest just sits somewhere in the middle. In this case what we have representing the really cool is Linda Carter as the president of the United States and they treat her like the perfect goddess she is, because she's goddamn Wonder Woman! And representing the really dumb is any workplace drama because goddamn in a show about superheroes and aliens, isn't that what we're all interested in?...I didn't think so. And of course everything else is in the middle. Oh. Except for one other thing MISS MARTIAN MOTHER FUCKERS!!! As if it wasn't enough to get me to freak out last season over the reveal of Martian Manhunter, they have now introduced M'gann M'orzz AKA Miss Martian. Again, one of my all time favourite underrated DC Characters who also happens to have a secret that I won't dare spoil, but if this show goes through with it then hoooboy are we in for something good! I also just love that idea for a bar for aliens, I really hope they use this setting as often as they can. Oh, also Alex has a new love interest in Maggie Sawyer, because at this point CW is just playing bingo with it's diverse casting. I kid of course, for a lot of people this is a great thing, for me, I'm more or less here for the aliens so, I don't really care. So yeah, everything in the workplace sucks, but everything with Wonder Woman and Miss Martian are kinda perfect. 8/10.

The Flash 'The New Rogues' Review
Well, it took us three seasons but we finally got Mirror Master on the show, and we get to see Flash and Jessie Quick in action, again, I just love the fact these things are happening on TV. Also we got our first appearance of Captain Cold in this multi-show deal he has going now. But (Excuse the irony) this episode felt a little slow, it seemed like mostly build-up for the next episode. We have a new Harrison Wells, Caitlin's powers are getting out of control and Joe has a new love interest, while everything contained to just this episode doesn't really leave much of an impact. Even seeing Flash and Mirror Master fight felt like it came out of a throwaway comic from the 60s. We did get a sweet conclusion to Harry's arc of him admitting he actually has bonded with Team Flash, and honestly the goodbye kind of makes me miss him, now I want Harry, not this new Wells. Not the best foot forward when you're introducing a new version of the character, but I'll give him a shot. Also more relationship drama of...Joe being uncomfortable with Barry & Iris kissing...Very low stakes and not gonna lie, I like that. I would love it if this was a drama free relationship, because honestly we've done the whole big soap opera love drama before, and we know these two are going to end up together so if they were just fine from week to week, I wouldn't be appose to that. Believe it or not CW, some relationships do actually work out just fine. Overall, while there's nothing bad per se, this all felt like mostly build up to better stories later on. 5/10.

Arrow 'Penance' Review
Ehhhhh I don't really have anything to say about this episode, everything in it kind of played out the way you would expect it with no real twists. Rory temporarily leaves the team but of course he comes back, Wild Dog is still a goddamn moron, seriously how many chances is he going to get? And Oliver breaks Diggle out of prison even though in the long run this feels like it will truly fuck him over. Even more so, while I'm writing this it's been a few days since I saw the episode and I am struggling to remember a damn thing that happened apart from the basic plot. 4/10, not very good.

Legends of Tomorrow 'Shogun' Review
I am so split on this episode, because on one hand this is more of the stuff that I want to see, the Legends going on wacky adventures, in this case ancient Japan where they have to fight samurai, except the circumstances of some of these events, mostly with Ray losing his suit seemed really contrived. Also the obvious character arcs in the episode were obvious and dull, the fact that some of the Japanese characters had accents while others didn't was bizarre and again, not very memorable or entertaining. Also Vixen is part of the team I guess...won't she want to go back to the JSA though? 4/10.

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