Friday 14 October 2016

DC TV Weekly Round-Up 10/10/16-17/10/16

Finally, all the DC TV Shows have returned (Sorry Gotham), Flash and Arrow kicked things off last week and now Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow have joined them. So, let's get right to it shall we? Though if anything this week proves this isn't a flawless system. I started doing it this way in case I didn't have that much to say about a show, but there are times where I have a surprising amount which will make this a long winded post. In this case Supergirl, speaking of!

Supergirl 'The Adventures of Supergirl' Review
Wow, pretty big opener for Supergirl, new channel, new filming location and The Man of Steel himself! Played by Tyler Hoechlin. So let's talk about him, yeah they're so far I like how they're handling him. He's an upbeat, polite, happy Man of Tomorrow while his Clark Kent is clumsy, uses outdated slang and is a loveable dork. Granted there isn't much about him that's new and really it feels like Hoechlin is doing an impression of Christopher Reeve at points. Speaking of which, nice reference with that airplane fact. But unlike the movie version this feels like a Superman that is being written and performed by people who like Superman. Also he and Melissa Benoist have good chemistry and it kind of makes me wish he was also a main character because the two on screen are just so enjoyable. Just kinda wish him and J'onn got along, they're founders of the Justice League! Be buddies goddamit!
There are also a few "excuses" i found in this episode. For example despite Clark being 13 years older than Kara they look the same age because "Kryptonians age slower" riiiiiight. Or them changing bases because ya can't really film a desert in Canada so we just happened to have changed bases. Oh, and they've seemingly changed their minds about wanting Kara and Jimmy to date...because they just wanted to. Yeah they handled this very lazily, not that i'm that mad because it wasn't an interesting plot in the first place. And sadly they're continuing the trend of trying to make Supergirl, Superman. Now they've made her a reporter...because of course they have. And they've made Metallo a villain now, oh joy. Also just as a note, despite changing countries from filming season 1 & 2, they really do a good job of disguising that fact, Vancouver really is that diverse of a city. So yeah, solid episode with some...gaps in the writing, but i enjoyed Superman, I enjoyed seeing the two on screen together and it was a lot of fun. 7/10.

The Flash 'Paradox' Review
Alright then, Flash is back to his original world, except not really because things are different. Joe & Iris don't talk, Cisco's brother died, Caitlin has powers. Honestly it's just nice to see Barry have someone sit him down and call him on his crap. I will always say his actions at the end of last season were dumb as all hell, and now he seemingly keeps trying to use time travel as a way to fix his problems, so who else but Jay Garrick shows up and tells him to stop being a complete moron? Which if anyone were to call him out on it, that would be the most logical answer. Also hopefully this means no more time travel, because time travel is dumb. But that being said, most of the changes seem to have been fixed. Joe & Iris talk again, Cisco is friends with Barry again, the only change that is sticking is Caitlin's powers. Oh, and Tom Felton's character exists, which so far he seems enjoyable enough, but we'll have to wait and see if he actually plays any kind of important role.
The thing that I'm most looking forward too this season is Dr Alchemy as the villain, mostly because it'll be nice to have a villain who isn't a speedster. Plus this way Wally will get his super powers again and actually have something to do. I nearly burst out laughing when all of Team Flash left to go work and he was just sat there at the table alone. So even if it took them 2 episodes to set up this season, it actually seems promising. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Alchemy, Caitlin getting powers, Cisco and Wally being out in the field and whatever Felton's character ends up being. 7/10.

Arrow 'The Recruits' Review
I really don't want to get my hopes up this season. Because it was around this point last year I was thinking "wow, they're really turning things around. They're fully aware of their problems so this means they're gonna fix it!" and they never fixed it. So far it might look like they're doing the same. Ollie really doesn't work well as a team because he always acts like the leader, so in this episode he had to learn to treat his new team more like partners and they had to learn to work together. It was a nice balance for once where no one was completely right, both sides had to develop. I also liked how they handled Ragman, who they first play off like he's the villain of the week, when really he's just a victim, and from the looks of it is going to join Team Arrow, which would make him a unique member. Also we finally learnt the big villain of the season is going to be Prometheus. Thank god, because that Cottonmouth wannabee was not that intimidating. Granted Prometheus sucks a fair amount in the comics, but I'm ever the optimist. Oh, and Diggle was there, good for him, I'll start caring when he rejoins Team Arrow. So yeah, a good episode with plenty of character development and promises for the future. 7/10.

Legends of Tomorrow 'Out of Time' Review
Legends is probably the only show where I don't care about a season long plotline, they could make every episode just wacky hi-jinx throughout time. You could get so much out of this concept and this episode takes advantage of that. They travel to pre-revolutionary France, 1940's New York, a little bit of pre-historic dinosaurs, medieval England, all promising stuff. Legends greatest strength is it's constant homages and recreation of the silver age, nothing but pure silly unabashedly fun. Also with the Justice Society of America showing up in their full on goofy uniforms (Including one of my favourite underrated superheroes, Stargirl, woo!) I actually cannot wait for the next episode. 7/10.

Wow. A week where all of the DC TV Shows were not only good, but consistently good. For the love of god DC, don't screw this up.

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