Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Perplexion of Ariana Grande

I have plenty of issues with Ariana Grande, one of which being that her name sounds like a coffee at Starbucks. But my biggest problem is that literally everything about her contradicts everyone's view of her, for example, she's super hot, but on the other hand, she seems to be frozen in time and looks about 16, making everyone feel weird about thinking she's hot even though she's 21. But for me the nail in the coffin is that her songs are awful, truly terrible songs, i hate the beat, hate the lyrics, the instrumentals, the music videos, they're just so damn terrible...But she is the best singer in the charts right now. Hell, i'll go even further than that, she's the best singer to come out of this decade, a vocal range that can only be matched by the likes of Mariah Carey. Which is why everytime I hear one of her crappy songs on the radio all I can think is "oh good god, please make a good song soon". And I think I know what needs to happen, she needs to be completely rebranded. Right now her image seems to be the sexy cheerleader, the problem is, she's way too innocent looking to pull that off. Songs like 'Bang Bang' are all about being a sexpert who can really show a guy a good time, but she honestly looks like she still gets giddy over a first kiss, so no, i don't think this is the type of imagine she can pull off. I mean people like Jessie J and Rihanna can do this because I believe they've had plenty of sex, Ariana is too cute looking. I feel like she's more of the girl next door who is out of your league rather than a sex goddess. Imagine Taylor Swift but without any of the whineyness, that is what Ariana Grande should be. And atleast that would help get rid of the awkward boners from a 21 year old turning 16 trying to be sexy.


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