Thursday 27 November 2014

Happy Thanksgiving.

I am not American, nor do I live in America, I do not celebrate thanksgiving at all, but really that doesn't mean i can't be grateful does it? And really why should we only be thankful for what we hold closest one day a year? Oh well, better to show it all at once than never at all, so, here we go. I am grateful for the friends in my life above all else, afterall, they're the family you pick, i don't have to hangout with these people, i chose to because they're my favourite people (Sorry actual family, you're awesome too). They make me happier than most and I always have fun hanging out with them, so that's what i'm grateful for. Apart from that, I'm grateful that i've been able to get into university, i'm grateful my flatmates are awesome as well, i'm grateful that i even have any subscribers on my youtube channel, even if they aren't that many, the fact that anyone will watch you is something to be grateful for. And of course i'm grateful for all the other stuff that everyone else is, family, health, no nuclear war, the little things in life. I'm grateful for plenty and hope you are too, so, happy thanksgiving.


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