Thursday 10 July 2014

Everything Pizza

So the last few topics have been rather in depth about things so let's just take a break today and talk about pizza. I love pizza, you love pizza, the whole world seems to love pizza, pizza is love, pizza is life. Just looking at that image of pizza is making me hungry for pizza, it looks delicious. Where do you get your pizza? Oven made or takeout? I personally prefer takeaway because those pizzas that you buy at the shops are so flimsy they fall apart as soon as you pick up a slice.
Who has "the best" pizza? Everyone has that place that has the best pizza, what is yours? Is it Sbarro's in New York? Something deep pan from Chicago? Or is it the local place? For me it's definitely the local place, in my hometown we've got a place called Lara Bella's, I swear the first time I had one of their pizzas the taste didn't leave my mouth for two weeks, and now every Friday I get a pizza from there, and it's always delicious, no matter what type I order, also if they ever get my order wrong then they'll make me another one for free, and i get to keep the first pizza and i get a bottle of coke, now that is good customer service. I've never actually had a legitimate Chicago pizza so I have no idea what that tastes like, but I have had legitimate New York pizza when I went there earlier this year, and being was alright, it didn't taste better, it just tasted hotter.
What type of pizza do you order? I normally go for what is called "An Italian Job" pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, olives & peppers, oh my god it is so delicious, but then again any pizza with meat on it I'm usually happy with, unless it had pineapple, god who's idea was it to put pineapple on a pizza? Disgusting. So yeah, that's literally all we're talking about today, and I'm gonna end the conversation here because the longer I talk the hungrier I get.


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