We also get to see the best performance from Stallone in his entire career. Now Rocky is obviously his defining role, it's the one he's most passionate about and even when the films are shitty, he always did his damn best in every performance. Showing the strengths and weaknesses of this character, making him admirable and identifiable (Which is why it's total bullshit he didn't win at the Oscars for Creed!). Throughout this film we get to see so many sides of Rocky, his shy side, his cocky side, his depressed side, and his overwhelmed with pure ecstasy side. And you know what? I'm not even the biggest Rocky fan, each one had things I liked & disliked, I'm glad I saw them and will defend Rocky IV for eternity, but truth be told I didn't ever actually get that invested in the story...Except for this scene. Everything from the first two films built up to this one perfect moment, the pacing made us wait patiently for this, the music overwhelms us with joy when he wins, but most of all that final line. The best final line in any film, with the best delivery in Stallone's career. After giving his victory speech he simply holds up the belt and shouts "Yo Adrian! I did it!" and the crack in his voice in that line, you feel all the emotions going through Rocky there. The sheer disbelief that this is actually happening, the effort in holding back those tears, the pure bliss and pride he's experiencing, all from just 5 simple words.
I would usually put a clip so people could watch it, but honestly, you have to earn this moment the same way Rocky did. Go out, watch the first two films, see his experience first hand, know the character, know his struggles and deserve the chance to see how it all pays off. Because trust me, it is worth it.
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