Friday 26 February 2016

Is The Iron Fist Casting Racist?

It was recently announced that Finn Jones would be portraying Danny Rand AKA Iron Fist in the upcoming Netflix Marvel series and of course people took to Twitter to complain about how this is racist. Now i'm not going to pretend I know a huge amount of Iron Fist (And don't lie, neither do you) but here's what I do know about the character. He's a white guy from New York who found a fictional mystical city called 'K'un-L'un" and learned some magical martial arts from that place. So I have to ask, why is this racist? The character is white, not Asian, could they have cast an Asian actor? Yes, but the same way how they could have cast a black actor, a hyspanic actor, etc, etc. His race isn't an important factor to the character (I assume). But complaining that they cast a white guy in a role that is previously white is a non-issue. White washing exists in Hollywood and there are plenty of roles going to white guys uneccessarily (Just look at the upcoming Gods of Egypt, a white guy born in Egypt? Yeahhhh-no). So why do people want an Asian actor to play this character? Because he knows Martial Arts? Cause that's pretty racist.


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