So yesterday James Rolfe, aka The Angry Videogame Nerd posted a video talking about how he's not going to see the new Ghostbusters movie because he believes it'll be bad and this has caused quite a backlash. Not from fans, but from fellow critics. Dan Murrell, Leon Thomas, Bob Chipman Lindsey Ellis have all commented saying it's unfair and unprofessional of him to simply blacklist this movie because it's based on a nostalgic franchise. Now while I semi-agree with them I'm gonna play devil's advocate here and say what Rolfe says isn't bad, just misworded.
Now look the important thing to remember here is that James Rolfe is an independent critic, he doesn't represent a news outlet or company, he reviews whatever he wants to review, and if he doesn't want to see a movie because he thinks the trailers look bad, he's perfectly allowed to do that. If anything I think it's a good thing he won't see the movie, he says himself in the video that he's biased, he's nostalgic for the original film and considers it one of his all time favourite films, and with the onslaught of bad remakes of 80s classics we get these days, plus the bad marketing of the film, it's not surprise he would assume the movie is going to be bad.
With that being said I think Bob Chipman put it best, it's going to be impossible to actually judge this movie without comparisons to the original, debates about feminism in movies, yadayadayada and really it'll be about 5 years (I'd say 10) until we actually find out what people think of this movie. Me personally I didn't grow up with Ghostbusters, I saw it when I was 13 and thought it was fine, I didn't see it again until I was 18 and liked it a lot more but it's not something I'm nostalgic about or love all that much. But with that being said I'm not looking forward to the new movie at all, I'm not a fan of Paul Feig or Melissa McCarthy and I thought the trailer was piss poor. Will I see the movie? Probably not, even if it does get good reviews because I quite simply do not care. But at the same time I'm not gonna do a melodramatic video talking about how this movie is destroying a classic film.