Tuesday 10 April 2018

Legends of Tomorrow 'The Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly' - Finale Review

Image result for The Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly
Because what other way could Legends of Tomorrow end their season? By having a giant stuffed teddy bear created by combining 6 ancient totems together in order to fight an immortal time demon...

This show is the absolute best and I will hear no words against it. I've made my feelings on why pretty clear over the course of this season, Legends is not afraid to go absolutely bonkers and just have as much fun as possible, it's everything you could want in a comic book adventure series about a bunch of superheroes travelling through time. It's definitely the most fun out of all the superhero shows out there, but on top of that, it matches the scale needed to make it work, this finale felt like the most epic episode they could have had, with returning characters from the whole season, a big brawl between sides, and ending it in a giant CGI fight. Even though the humour and silliness of the whole show is certainly it's main appeal, it never skimps out on the dramatic moments as well, however, I would argue that they were the weaker parts of this particular finale. Firstly with the killing of Rip Hunter, a main character, the one who brought the Legends together in the first place, killing him off at the very beginning of the episode with no build up, a weak execution (Why didn't Mallus just fly away?) and after struggling to give him a purpose this whole season, it felt like a cheap way to get rid of a character they didn't know what to do with. Then in the end with Amaya finally leaving, again, something we all knew was going to happen eventually and was referenced in several episodes this season, somehow feels rushed from how little it tied in with this specific story.

I remember when the first season came out my main issue with it was the show's lack of identity, then came along the second season where they fixed that by deciding "hey, we should be the wacky fun show!" and this season hasn't really done much to change that, but if it ain't broke don't fix it. It's hard to say this was my favourite DC show of the year seeing as the rest of the shows haven't finished yet, but frankly I can't think of another show that can match it. Without a doubt this has been the most fun with the most consistent quality out of all the shows. An ensemble series where the cast have the best chemistry out of all the shows, with solid character development, creative plots, decent effects, but like I've already said, it's fun, it's so much fun, it's so silly, it is so absolutely it's own thing and I love and respect that. Oh, also the great LGBT+ representation that most of television already struggles with, let alone superhero shows and this series makes it look easy, always a bonus.

Now as for best & worst episodes of the season...

The worst episode would have to be Amazing Grace for simply lacking any kind of stakes or drama, and when your plot involves "Elvis accidentally summoning ghosts" and it's somehow boring then you know you've messed up somewhere.

The best episode however I would say Welcome to the Jungle for being the episode that in my opinion perfectly balanced good drama & character development with the goofy sci-fi nature we expect from the series. Mick's relationship with his father got explored and it's something that has never really been addressed, and we also got an appearance from Gorilla Grodd...which is always awesome.

I give the season 3 finale of Legends of Tomorrow an 8/10.

I give the season as a whole...also an 8/10.


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