Thursday 1 March 2018

Best Things of February 2018

Well, might not have as much to talk about as last time-not just because it's a shorter month-but because one thing in particular took up most of my time, nevertheless, let's talk about things.

Black Panther
Let's get the obvious one out of their way, because everyone & their mothers has already fallen in love with this film. While Black Panther is certainly a quality film, with brilliant characters, music & visuals (Minus some cgi backgrounds) the film has instantly become iconic as a cultural milestone. It's representation of African culture and Black heritage makes it possibly the most important film Marvel has ever made, and seeing the impact it has on people, inspiring children, making grown men & women burst out into tears, frankly, no one can take that away from them, getting that kind of genuine reaction out of people is the best thing a film can strive for, and Black Panther achieved it in strides.

The Shape of Water
Despite coming out late last year for America, it took until February for those of us in the UK to finally see Guillermo Del Toro's latest film, and I have been dying to see it since it was first announced seeing as Del Toro is one of my all-time favourite directors, and it was absolutely beautiful. Like every Del Toro film the first compliment to talk about is the absolute visual treat that is the film, everything from the cinematography to the costume design of the Amphibious Man is absolutely stunning. One could argue this film has the simplest characters out of all Del Toro's filmography, the heroes are easy to root for as a group of outcast misfits with heavy prejudices against them, while the villains are easy to hate & fear because...they're Michael Shannon and he's just really fucking good at playing those type of characters. But I'd argue the film can get away with it as it already has one giant hurdle to overcome, making the audience believe a romance between a woman and a fish monster. Del Toro once said that he sees the beauty in horror, and this is probably the most literal example of that statement, taking the monster from an iconic horror film and turning him into a sympathetic romantic lead. The film takes this story with complete sincerity and in the hands of a lesser director it could have easily crashed and burned, but in the hands of a master like Del Toro, he of course makes it one of the most beautiful films both in story and in visuals that I have seen. An instant classic that I can gush over for years to come.

Persona 5
And now for the thing that took up the majority of my month. I was never really that interested in purchasing Persona 5, I had heard great things about the franchise-this game in particular-but it never really appealed to me. Then when I found out it was on sale for half off on the Playstation Network, I shrugged and thought "what the hell". Since then I have become addicted to this game in a way that I have not being addicted in years. A game that is near 100 hours long in gameplay and yet it so well paced, hours fly by without me even noticing, and I've not even finished by the way, at the time of writing I'm only about 45 hours in! The game has endearing and likeable characters, catchy music, and really fun gameplay. Though you will catch on to the formula rather quickly, and the further into the game you go I find there's just so much to do and so little time, that just means I wish I had more time both in real life and in game to do everything possible. There have been nights where I can't sleep cause I'm thinking of playing the game, so I play the game and come morning when I have actual shit to do, I hate myself and the game for making me so addicted to it...then I go ahead and play some more. Frankly, I love this game so much I hate it, and I can't wait to finally finish it so my life can actually go back to normal and I start functioning like a real human being...but the only way to do that is to keep on playing it so, I'm gonna go back to playing it, bye!


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