Friday 9 February 2018

DC TV Weekly #36

Image result for the flash true colorsSupergirl 'Both Sides Now' Review
I'm not gonna lie, I'm glad Supergirl is going on a brief hiatus and is being swapped out for Legends of Tomorrow. So far it's been my least favourite DC show of the season, meanwhile Legends is probably the best, heck, I don't even know if I'll continue watching it next year, that's how bored of it I am. So let's see if it can at least end on a high note, no matter how brief the break is...They don't. I'm starting to realise almost none of the mini-character arcs in this show ever work, from an episode by episode basis it just doesn't make sense. Alex starts off behaving wildly out of character, making threats and insulting their prisoner, wanting to go for the most violent option, then changes her ways by the climax with no real motivation to do so, and then in the end it's revealed this is all because she's still upset about Maggie? Yeah these pieces do not go together at all. Some more character work we have is Mon-El being in love with Kara, because oh joy, didn't everyone just absolutely love that storyline last season? Oh well, for nothing else at least I can say this show has decent pacing when it comes to plot progression. The episode as a whole however just does not work for me. 4/10.

The Flash 'True Colors' Review
In some ways Flash is the most loyal to the comic books in terms of tone, and in a lot of ways that's great, in other ways it's not, such as the idea of actions not having long term consequences. Now, obviously we don't want Barry to stay in jail forever, and there are a number of illogical things in a show like this that you just have to suspend your disbelief for, but sometimes the show likes to stretch it too far-or should I say, Elongate it too far? (PUNS!) Because Ralph transforming into DeVoe in a surprise witness courtroom style to act as proof Barry is innocent, that has a million problems with it. They have DeVoe's real body, even if he was alive, he still have a career, and the police are probably going to have follow up questions, how long is Ralph going to have to keep up this charade? I'm sorry but this was a dumb storyline in the first place and the resolution for it is even dumber. Then again, let's not try and dwell on the bad, because there is good in the episode. Barry having to team up with the meta-humans he's arrested so far to make a prison escape without their powers, and for the most part it is engaging, seeing all their different personalities interact, especially Becky Sharpe who isn't really a villain, just selfish and sick of life beating her down, which makes the real DeVoe showing up at the end and killing them all just a little bit more tragic and I found myself actually caring. Frankly I'd always rather have an episode that's divisive like this, where it has some good and some bad rather than just being average & bland all the way through, so I'll give it a 6/10, not great, but still overall positive.

Black Lightning 'Black Jesus' Review
I'm starting to think it's a bad sign that the show is already starting to feel just a tad stale when we're only 4 episodes in. Don't get me wrong, the show's not getting boring or anything, but this episode felt very much like a...repeat of things we've seen before, both good and bad with very little progression. We open with Jefferson trying to help a student and spends a fair amount of the episode trying to help him both emotionally and legally. These scenes of him helping people out of the suit are turning out to be some of the best moments of the series, especially in heroic sense. Honestly the least interesting parts of the show are in fact the ones where he's actually in the Black Lightning suit, because the fight scenes themselves are turning out to be quite dull. No one poses a threat to Black Lightning and he has to exert very little effort to take down a dozen drug dealers, so far Jefferson is a much more interesting character to watch than Black Lightning is. We also have more of Anissa using her powers, with a slight development that Gambi finds out, but doesn't confront her in this episode, and Tobias is now trying to recruit Jennifer's boyfriend, which I'm sure will lead to interesting things in the future, but nothing quite yet. For episode 4 of a 13 ep season, I feel we should be making better progress than still just setting up plot points, I can only hope that the slow build up with mean multiple episodes of non-stop action & story in the future. 6/10.

Arrow 'The Devil's Greatest Trick' Review
Well, I'll give ya credit Arrow, ya certainly threw me for a loop there. Finishing the antagonists' story this early followed by killing him off, I didn't see it coming...whether that makes it good is another topic. Part of me feels like there was more to do with Cayden James, maybe not a lot, but another episode to go, give more time to give him proper closure rather than forcing in the climax of his story as well as the flashbacks of him and his son, spread it out a little more. Another part of me just sees Diaz as a very weak replacement for a main villain, I say this because I had to google what his name was, that's how little interest I've had in this guy since the season began. I can only hope he's just second in command to some secret big villain we don't know about (Though it'd be a little late in the game to introduce a new villain). Then there is all the drama with Black Siren. Dinah wants to kill her, Lance wants to save her. They're both dumb. Lance I understand obviously missing his daughter, but he's an idiot if he thinks he can change her, and the writers are idiots if they actually go through with it, mostly because Katie Cassidy does so much better playing a villain than a hero. Dinah is dumb because...I have to be honest, I just simply don't like her. I don't know if it's the actress or the way she's written but she's boring. Nothing about her makes her an interesting character to me so I really am not interested in her storyline. That's a shame, they've had three Black Canary's on this show and the only one who was close to being what Black Canary should be is now the captain in Legends. 5/10.

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