Saturday, 18 March 2017

DC TV Weekly #17

The Flash 'Into the Speed Force' Review
Impossible! An episode about how Barry fucked up that isn't insulting to the main character!? I guess that makes sense seeing as these are events that have nothing to do with Flashpoint, and it's more of how Barry is passively responsible. Barry travels into the speed force to save Wally, and the corporeal form of the Speed Force returns as Eddie, Ronnie & Leonard, three different people that have died, not directly because of Barry, but he certainly had his part to play. That is always an interesting aspect to explore, Barry as The Flash inspired others to be brave and heroic, and as a result died doing the right thing. To which the Speed Force punishes Barry by showing him everything that was taken away from those people that he inspired, as they died heroes. But then of course they have to screw it up with the ending of it all, Jay shows up, saves both Barry and Wally, but he has to stay in their place. How powerful would it have been if Barry was the one who stayed behind? It would tie in thematically as the whole point was showing all the sacrifices people have made because of Barry, and now he would have to make that sacrifice as well. Especially as he played the mentor to Wally and has been saying how he'll overtake Barry someday and be the one to save Iris. They even address that it wouldn't be a permanent prison, but your main character, who the entire season people have been pointing out how he's screwed up, finally having to pay the price and willingly spend god knows how long reliving the worst moments of his life, that would have been so emotionally gripping. Even more so how we see Jesse able to injure Savitar, meaning technically she has done more to fight him off than Barry ever did, we could have had a great fight between Jesse & Wally vs Savitar as they save Iris, and then bring Barry back for the always awesome last minute rescue. The fight against the Gorilla army shows how strong they can be as a trio, use that to your advantage. Wow. Now I came into this review thinking about how positive this is going to be, now I'm just sad about everything they could have done with this ep. Eh, 7/10.

Legends of Tomorrow 'Moonshot' Review
I get the feeling the writers of Legends of Tomorrow have a checklist of all the wacky and wonderful places they want to visit and have fun with. Dinosaurs? Check. Camelot? Check. George Lucas? Check. Now we go to Apollo 13, everyone's favourite Nasa mission(?) In what conceptually is not that interesting considering we've seen these guys fight space pirates before, this feels rather small in comparison. Don't get me wrong, anything that talks about how badass Nasa is qualifies as awesome in my books, I just feel the show has moved on to a bigger scale than this. Which is not to say there wasn't interesting things to happen throughout. Rip questioning his place in the team now that everyone has gotten use to working perfectly fine without him, Eobard is forced to play good guy to avoid dying. And probably most interesting of all was Nate's inner conflict between saving his grandfather and protecting the future, Amaya taking the side of needs of the many, but Nate lets the ball drop about her family's future suffering, a dick move, but he's emotional and desperate, plus it's the easiest way to get her to see things from her side. Anything else? Oh yeah, that weird scene of Martin singing as a distraction. I can't decide if this is hilariously awkward or just regular awkward...screw it, let's say it's funny, give this a 7/10 and move on.

Arrow 'Checkmate' Review
Do you ever have those moments where you don't realise how bad someone is until you see them do something good? That would be my reaction to seeing Adrian Chase go full on cheesy bad guy tonight, which then made me realise "Wow...he kinda sucked when he was just a lawyer". But oh golly, he is just living it up as the bad guy, he's one step away from turning into Mr Burns going "Excellent". It's also a nice change of pace where both hero and villain are on the same page yet still have to be secretive about it, it makes the conversations between them more interesting. Though there are a few things to question, one: Susan (If that is her name, I don't know or care) as a hostage and how Oliver & Company (Puns!) treat it like if she dies that'll be the last straw in Oliver's back...does he really care about her that much? Yeah, obviously they're going to try hard to keep her safe, but is she really that important? Another thing being Talia shows up at the end to help Prometheus. Hmm, strange, I could have sworn Prometheus had another female archer on his side to help him...Where the fuck is Artemis!? Is the actress off sick or something? You bring in this fan favourite character, fuck her up, then drop her? Goddammit guys. Still, we're at the point in the season where the drama is getting intense, and for once it looks like it's not gonna end with a giant city wide fight, thank the lord. 7/10.

Another consistent week, good job DC.


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