Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Last of Us Part II - Trailer Review

I can't believe I didn't already talk about this, better late than never I suppose. Being honest, I have been hesitant on the idea of a sequel to The Last of Us, mostly because the first game is the closest to perfection a piece of art has ever gotten in my opinion...and that's kind of hard to replicate, even if this game were great (Which I'm sure it will be) that is still nothing against how high I hold the original. Especially when the ending of the game leaves you on such a subtle and thought provoking note that people are still debating over what it means, and I worried a sequel would answer the questions raised there and I don't want it to be answered. I have my thoughts on what the ending means and I don't want to be proven wrong on that. So I've been telling myself for the past 3 years that if they did make another one, I would keep my expectations in check.

Then this goddamn trailer had to come out and get me pumped. It looks beautiful. Obviously graphics wise it's beyond gorgeous, and with Gustavo Santaolalla confirmed to be doing the music again, we know that'll be emotionally crippling. But the shot composition, the pacing, the imagery, the editing, it is all just as perfect as something tied to The Last of Us should be. And it has us asking questions like The Last of Us did, Ellie's only real line "I'm gonna find...and I'm gonna kill...every. last. one of them." Wha-Th-Who is "Them"!? Why does she want to kill them all!? How did we get here!? And people are already speculating that Joel is dead based on this teaser! Which is a fair enough theory, we don't see his face, which instantly creates a disconnect from the audience, plus it's hard to think of what else could cause Ellie to go on a murderous rampage, if not for revenge for Joel, plus she was singing a song all about revenge, so it's a solid theory for a 4 minute trailer.

Even the fact that Ellie is 5 years older, playing guitar, singing, I didn't think there was anything new Ashley Johnson could give us to make this performance even better or developed, but here we are, within just 4 minutes they proved me wrong. I can only hope that's a metaphor for the game, how I assumed there was nothing that they could do anything new for me to fall in love with and they've already done that. Goddamn it Naughty Dog, stop being so good at this.

A week ago, I didn't think this game was going to happen, and I didn't want it too. And in 4 minutes Naughty Dog completely flipped me over and now I cannot wait for this game...and now I will probably have to wait 3 years until I can play it. Fuck.


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