Kasumi has a lot of great qualities too her, she's funny, has a great loyalty mission and is good at what she does, but she's a DLC character, meaning she has very little interactions with Shepard or the rest of the crew, and those interactions are what shows how great a character is and I imagine Kasumi would get along with the others. The big problem here is that she's too passive of a character for me to get that engaged in her story and the fact that she can be lifted out of the game with no difference is what pulls her down.
Similar to Kasumi that he's too passive of a character, but even in the interactions he does have with Shepard, i don't like it. He's too selfish, rash and aggressive, if I was Shepard I would never let this douche bag onto my team. What makes me like him is he's great to have during gameplay, but as a character, i dislike him a fair amount.
Javik is the only DLC character that actually feels like he's engaged in the main story, maybe that's because he was supposed to be but EA made him day one DLC (Fuck you EA). Even though Javik does play a significant role in the game and has a great backstory and philosophy, he's also boring to take into battle and his personality doesn't really change throughout the game, yes he finally comes to terms with the death of his species but he still gives your entire crew the cold shoulder a lot of the time.
I don't think I even need to explain why Ash isn't one of my favourites because she's not anyone's favourite, she's racist, whiny, obnoxious and is always giving you crap, like nothing you can do is good enough for her, she acts like she has no reason to trust you despite you being the hero of the galaxy and she constantly berates other much cooler characters in the process.
But with that being said. Even though Ashley has a bitchy personality, at least she has a personality. Kaiden is more of a blank slate than Shepard is, having no real character or personality behind him and he's pretty much just a lap dog. Except in Mass Effect 3 where they do a 180 by making him kind of a dick, mostly just so he and Ash will have similar narratives and also he's bisexual...well that came from nowhere.
Jacob's nice, i liked his loyalty mission and his moral conflict with what he does, but the problem is that it's solved way too quickly in ME2 and from then onwards he plays almost no role, and that includes ME3. Even your romance with him turns out to be entirely pointless as he will marry another woman no matter what you do so...yeah, he didn't really add much.
EDI has a lot of things going for her, her relationship with Joker, her development from ME2 to ME3 and she's fairly useful in battle, but with that being said she is still an AI, while she learns to adapt to human behaviour, it's still just the basics, preventing her from creating her own unique personality and a lot of the time it feels like her actions are based on what she believes others would do, not what she would do because she doesn't have enough of a personality to know what she would do.
I like James, he's loyal, a good fighter and the relationship between him and Shepard is really good, almost like a mentor-student type thing, I also enjoy how he personalises every relationship by giving everyone nicknames. But with that being said, James was created as a surrogate for any new players into the trilogy...for the third instalment. It may just be a case of not getting to spend enough time with him, but our relationship with him in comparison to everyone else on the crew feels pretty weak. Maybe if we got another game with him then i could connect to him more.
So those are the Mass Effect characters that won't be appearing on my 'favourite characters' series, which means anyone who wasn't mentioned either has been or will be featured at some point.
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