Supergirl 'Far From The Tree' Review
Okay let's check the register: Martian Manhunter driven episode? Check. Silver Age levels of silly fun? Check. Hard hitting emotional B-Plot? Check. Carl Lumbly guest starring!? Check Check Check Check Check!
...I really fucking liked this episode. Starting with the B-Plot, everything about it worked, the estranged relationship between Maggie and her father, trying to rebuild the relationship but his own prejudices just get in the way, but you know what? I like his motivation behind the prejudice...okay that came out wrong. What I mean is I respect that they gave him actual development and reasoning behind why he is the way he is, most shows would just take this one-off character and have him be an ignorant jerk, but by giving him very believable reasoning makes the drama between the two that much more emotionally effective.
Then there's the main plot of the episode which is equally brilliant. Another estranged relationship-except this time between J'onn and his father M'yrnn, their first scene together where he doesn't believe it's his son was heartbreaking, and their eventual reunion proper where they share a memory was so honest and joyful. Sprinkle in some of Supergirl having fun with the space car-and ya know I love it when these shows go all Silver Age on us. But to top it all off, having Carl Lumbly-the original Martian Manhunter appear playing the father is quite possibly my favourite guest star this show has ever had. The only issues are minor, mostly being that the drama in this episode was so good, I was kind of not looking forward to the action scenes because it prevented more great conversations between characters. But that is the nittiest of all picks, really well done guys, brilliant job. 9/10.
The Flash 'Luck Be A Lady' Review
Crap...I can't believe this is happening...I really don't wanna say it...I think this show is getting too silly. But I thought you love it when The Flash is silly! I know! I do! It's when the series is at its best and they were finally embracing it! But I was watching this episode and thinking "Wow, that was too dumb". Barry slipping on coins and then a sign falling on him? Really? That's supposed to stop The Flash? It's important to note that yes-Silver Age is one of the best ages in comic books, not every comic from the time is incredible, sometimes passing something off as silly is just a disguise for bad writing. To top it all off, I just found this villain to be annoying. She really didn't seem like she had the right motivation to be a bad guy, and the actress just played the character to be more irritating than a threat. 4/10.
Legends of Tomorrow 'Zari' Review
Of all the shows in this franchise to have a "by the numbers episode" Legends of Tomorrow should not be one of them. With each episode having them travelling to a new location, new time, new characters, it should always feel fresh. Even with the first episode of the season, at least that still had some new stuff in it with the time bureau and the Legends trying to have normal lives. I guess we got a new thing with the new teammate Zari who is...fine. Oh, and Nate going on a drug trip was funny as hell. So I guess I did have some fun with the episode, but as I'm writing this, I am struggling to remember 70% of the episode, it's just one of those eps I guess. 6/10.
Arrow 'Next of Kin' Review
Oh wow, the same thing happened two weeks in a row, thin plot-great action, they really do have this down! And hey, one giant fight scene going from outside the car to inside is pretty creative, granted it very obviously wasn't one shot, but I appreciate the effort on what I'm guessing was a tight schedule. To be fair, the plot isn't completely thin. Diggle's arc which is being set up for multi-episodes is always something I appreciate and he's a character that very rarely is seen to be the insecure one, most of the time he's the one that gives people advice. Even ending the episode by introducing a new element of whatever that drug he's taking. So he's got mental problems, physical problems and now a drug problem, way to beat the guy down guys. Sadly the dressing around the main course is just stale, boring villains, generic plot, all of it is just not very interesting. But not completely irredeemable thanks to the action and Diggle. 6/10.